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Counting Down

The c-section is scheduled for July 17th.  I'll be 37 weeks!  I can't believe we've made it this far.  Actually, yes I can.  This is what we've prayed for, and I've felt a peace that everything was going to be okay.  The night before my first scheduled surgery, my brother gave me a priesthood blessing.  To sum it up, I was told that the surgery and pregnancy would go well and that Baby Maggie would be okay.  Then the insurance continued to deny the surgery, and we left Houston feeling deflated.  But Matt and I kept thinking back to that blessing and had faith that things would work out.  And they have!  We've experienced best case scenario in almost every way.  Are we grateful enough?

I'll deliver at University of Utah Hospital, and Maggie will go over to Primary Children's Hospital to be evaluated and cared for by those specialists.  Best case scenario...Maggie can breathe and eat on her own and won't need any immediate surgeries!  Maybe she'll get to go home in 5-7 days!  Maybe I'll even get to hold her after she is born! Maybe she'll be able to lay on her back instead of only on her stomach!  It will be so different than Davey's birth.

Every week I go to a doctor appt.  Boring!  They do an ultrasound and non-stress test.  Our only concern is a pocket of fluid on the brain that is in an unusual place, above the cerebellum.  It seems to have developed in the past three weeks, but doctors are unsure of the cause or significance, and so we'll wait for a CAT scan once Maggie is born.  I try not to worry or think about it too much.

I still spend my days at home.  The stair climbing is limited, although I do cheat and go up and down more than once.  Kate always tattles to Matt, so I can't get away with much.  I walk from room to room and can do small things around the house like make ramen noodles and fix sandwiches.  It's been so long since I've vacuumed or cleaned a toilet!  So the "pregnancy nesting" isn't an option for me which drives me crazy.

The pain comes and goes.  As I get bigger, the internal stretching causes a lot of discomfort.  As with all pregnant women, nights are the worst, and I wake up a lot.

Getting out of the house is a treat, and I'm stuck to my wheel chair to run errands.  It's funny when I'm in my wheel chair and then stand up to reach something or walk a couple steps.  People look like, "Is she faking it?"  I am a grown woman, and I still get embarrassed by the attention and stares from people.  But my wheels are temporary, and I wonder what it's like for Davey to be stared at everyday we go into public.

Speaking of Davey, his 4th birthday was on Saturday.  July is my favorite month because Davey and I have our birthdays and we are surrounded by family who come to visit!  It's fun to be with parents, cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles who we rarely see throughout the year.  And now we'll get to add Maggie's birth to our celebrations.


  1. I am so happy to hear that things are going so well!!! Celebrate! Bet you can't wait to stand up on your feet and jump up for joy when it's all over!!! Love you guys and you'll always have a special place in our hearts!

  2. Thank you for posting this!!! I have been checking to see if you had updated. I am so glad you are doing well and that you have made it this far in the pregnancy. I want to bring you dinner again:). Love you, Millie and all the Killpack's. Church just isn't the same without seeing your cute family. Dusty sends his love too!!!!

  3. So glad things are going well! Can't wait for the 17th!

  4. SO glad for an update---I have been thinking of you so much! I even have a friend at work that keeps asking when you are going to blog again....I am excited to tell her to read tomorrow! I get to find out what I am having on the 16th, so I will be excited for the 17th too. I can't wait to hear how everything as soon as you can afterwards! :)

  5. We are happy to hear that things are going so well. You will be in our prayers. Kinda glad you sound bored, only because that means you must be listening to the doctor's orders, and that can only be a good thing. Best wishes for the 17th. We are cheering for you. - Mark and Jackie

  6. Oh Millie I'm so proud that you made it this far! I can only imagine how difficult bedrest has been. You are such a trooper! I'll be looking forward to the 17th now! So happy for you... :)

  7. I am so glad you have made it so far and done so well. I hope everything goes well on the 17th. We will continue to keep you and baby Maggie in our prayers.

  8. Yay for the 17th!! Can't wait to hear how everything goes! You'll be in our prayers.

    --Angee :)


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